Welcome to our Substack Blog that focuses on construction costs. Engineering News Record (ENR) history that can be traced back to 1874. The publication has its roots in two separate publications, Engineer & Surveyor and The Plumber and Sanitary Engineer. The first issue of Engineering News-Record was published on April 5, 1917. On January 1st, 1987, the acronym ENR was adopted as the title of the magazine. The charts that follow use data that are courtesy of ENR magazine that is published 26 times a year. Historical data was pulled from microfiche copies of the magazine obtained from the New York Public Library. ENR magazine is only a small portion of the products offered by Engineer News Record and we recommend readers, particularly those with an interest in engineering and construction, take the time to view the ENR website to learn more at…

After a sharp rise in the 3Q of last year Cooper Water Tubing prices have only been grinding higher since, but nonetheless, they are up +23.43% since this time last year.

Ductile Iron Pipe prices have pulled back slightly from last month’s high but are up +17.34% YoY.

Reinforced Concrete Pipe prices have risen since the start of the year and are up +17.30% since April of last year.

After a sharp rise rise in PVC Pipe prices since early 2022, prices continune to pull back from the November highs but still remains up +32.33% from this time last year.

Corrugated Steel Pipe notched a new high in April and is up+28.50% YoY.

Concrete Ready Mix prices have continued to move higher since August of last year to a record and are up +22.04% since this time last year.

There has hardly been a let up in Crushed Stone prices since June of 2021. Prices are up +33.35% YoY.

MC800 Asphalt Paving price per ton has remained flat for the past two months but is nonetheless is up 15.54% since this time last year.

There has only been two brief interuptions in the rally in the price of the 20-City Average of Portland Cement prices since July of 2021 and it is now up +27.09% YoY.

The price of Masonry Sand has become parabolic and is up +50.94% per ton from this time last year.

Although Concrete Sand prices are not up as much as Masonry Sand it still up +42.99 YoY.

The 20-City Average of Aluminum Sheet price has fallen since the start of the year and is now up +3.05% since this time last year.

The price of 16-Gauge Stainless Steel Sheet has fallen since the start of the year and is now down -2.16% YOY.
Data is courtesy of Engineering News Record
Charts are courtesy of Optuma whose charting software enables anyone to visualize any price data. To receive a 30-day trial of Optuma charting software go to